As Prime Movers, we consistently ask “what do I feel?” and “why do I feel it?” in order to master our psychology and identify the appropriate distinction between our emotions and the facts. We recognize that we cannot shape the external world to realize the ambitions of our vision, without first crafting ourselves as superheroes. Self-realization is the root of accomplishment and fulfillment and that journey begins and ends with a ruthless commitment to honest introspection.
We permit no breach between our thoughts and our actions, our mind and our body, our visions, and reality. We unify our emotions, thoughts and focus towards a singular purpose: achieving the purity of joyous existence only possible to those who do not fake or sacrifice. We exercise the courage required to stand by and speak out for our convictions, no matter the odds against us. We live our values everyday and build companies and communities that uphold the highest standards of integrity.
Our power draws from our “Why?”, our prime motive, our ultimate purpose: the pursuit and creation of value. Our massive purposeful action serves as the bedrock to empower our teams, families and friends with trust, mutual respect, and benevolence. We surround ourselves with extraordinary individuals who in turn empower us with their vision, skill, and energy. To be a Prime Mover is to be a thermonuclear source of energy powering the world’s progress.